Republicans Usher In Progressive Education Reform in Texas
Hey was Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Sen. Larry Taylor channelling Progressive Education Reformer Ted Sizer at his last Press Conference on Education?
Hey was Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Sen. Larry Taylor channelling Progressive Education Reformer Ted Sizer at his last Press Conference on Education?
When do kids get to just be kids, not human capital in the government workforce development program.
I am going to ask this question now and then again at the bottom. I wonder if after reading this article it will cause you to “Think Again” as one of my favorite Mom writers Melanie Sturm from Aspen, CO says. To my friends and neighbors with Bond elections on May 10th- Why would we consider […]
Texans you think HB5 is a good thing now. As our friend and writer Melanie Sturm says…”Think Again” It was a strategy and tactic to get Common Core into Texas just like Donna Garner warned!!
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