
Voice of a Teacher and a Student- CSCOPE Assessments

Many have said that it is not only the CSCOPE lessons that are a problem but the “Scope and Sequence” that controls teachers and the “Assessments” which are stressing out students. They are said to be a system that’s been put in place to monitor and assess teachers.

Hear it first hand from a Texas Teacher….

The following is from a teacher whose school is still paying the ESCs for CSCOPE or what ever they call it now.

 “No one came in to “watch” us teach, thankfully.  We are able to use our own textbooks and materials this year.  The lessons themselves have been removed from the website.  But, like I said, we still have to use the scope and sequence as well as the assessments, which we can make changes to.  The scope and sequence is put together in a way that doesn’t make sense to us, but, like last year, we will work around it.


After the third STAAR test administration this year, we had a 95% passing rate on the 8th grade reading test.  It had NOTHING to do with using CSCOPE.  Like I said, we teach in spite of CSCOPE. 


Here’s one more concern that I have.  When we went to our convocation meeting, we saw a power point presentation about different jobs that teachers have.  At the top of the list was “faciliator.”  The rest of the list had little to do with the act of teaching, but more with moderating.  I get the feeling that the name CSCOPE has disappeared, but the values (Common Core??), are still in place.  
Kids get into groups, have fun, and teach each other.  
We’ve been told that our focus should now be on “learning” (for the kids), rather than on “teaching.”  In otherwords, teachers are facilitators to guide kids to “teach” each other. All the teaching certificates are for what?


I’m still concerned.  I probably sound like a conspiracy nut, but so be it.  We are seeing the destruction of our country, including education.  Kids are going to have a blast with projects and group stuff but still won’t be able to read, write, or do math.”

 And now first hand from a 15 yr. Texas student tells of her FRUSTRATION  with CSCOPE Testing (Assessments) – MORE TESTS!! 



Connecting the Dots~ From the Red Hot Conservative 

TEKS RESOURCE SYSTEM, formally known as CSCOPE issues assessments at the end of lesson units. More times than not the questions on the assessments are not what students covered during the unit. The student’s test results are not sent home to parents. Why? Why is the Data inputted in a Data Base and not sent home so parents can assist their children?

It seems CSCOPE/TEKS Resource System is riddled with Controversy.


Below are former CSCOPE assessments owned by the now dissolved  ”TEXAS EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER CURRICULUM COLLABORATIVE” (TESCCC).

*****The Assessments that were previously linked have been removed from this post due to claims of copy-write by the TEKS. We will be looking further into the issue. 

Have they put the CSCOPE (TEKS Resource system) in place because they are Using Data to Change the World – Federal Take Over of Education

Is FedLedEd in Texas? Wait we said NO to Common Core, Right?

If you are not going to allow your child, grandchild, niece or nephew to be used like this start by signing a petition to remove paid Microsoft lobbyist Thomas Ratliff from the Texas SBOE (State Board of Education) 

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