21st Century Learning: Where did KIPP’s “Theory of Change” Come From?
Now, knowing where the term “change agent” comes from, does that give you pause, as it does me? Just asking…
Now, knowing where the term “change agent” comes from, does that give you pause, as it does me? Just asking…
The tactics used have been well defined and executed.
Using effective “Community Engagement” known as the Delphi technique in coordination with a strategic planning process, state education boards, commissioners of ed, and school districts, along with trade organizations and non-profits are creating a new system known as a (P-20W)
ESSA. MUST. BE. STOPPED. It’s up to parents. Persuade your legislator to end the federal tripod that the tech cartel is using to control what your children learn.
Data is needed to finance Education reform and to control. It is a Controlled Workforce for a Controlled Economy.
‘Alexa, can I go back to being a total technotard or do I just have to Imagine the world as a better place?”
I do not know if President Trump or his son-in-law have any idea the groundwork that has been laid before they arrived in Washington by Obama, George and Jeb Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, along with Phil Gramm and others who have destroyed our education system intentionally.
I wish we would have listened to Paul Harvey in 1965. Hindsight is 20-20. The first carrot of federal control of education was in 1965
How was Obama Administration able to make legal their Promise Program behavioral modification experimentation? Look no further than the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) championed by Texas Congressman Michael Burgess.
By Alice Linahan Question- How would you feel if your child came home with this as a homework assignment in their Math class?Here is a link to the full lesson. It is important to note… “The assignment was from a website that allows teachers around the world to share resources.” America we’ve got a serious […]
I have a question for all elected officials, on both sides of the political aisle- Are you for Jeb Bush’s ExcelinEd and Obama’s yellow scarves School Choice Week?
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