STOP! You Can NOT do this to MY Children- ESEA, NCLB and now ESSA are Tactics
We are shifting American education to a global system based on the soviet model of competency/phycological profiling/ outcome based education? Are you okay with that?
We are shifting American education to a global system based on the soviet model of competency/phycological profiling/ outcome based education? Are you okay with that?
The Transformation of Education in America that will be locked in place on Wednesday, Dec. 2nd if the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) now known as ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) is re-authorized, is a system designed to lock together in “engrenage”
The public schools across the state are on Red Alert! Warning: Takeover Ahead! Please call your local congressperson and senator and voice your opposition to this madness. The Accountability System has a death grip on the public schools and it has to be eliminated.
In a coast to coast effort, parent and citizen groups, resisting the national and federal takeover of standards, testing, curriculum, and student data collection via Race to the Top and Common Core standards, are loudly voicing their concerns and opposition to the conference committee report being written for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
The data will prove we are right. WE CONTROL THE DATA. We can manipulate the data to show whatever we want it to show.
And you, poor trusting parent (and teacher) who only wants the best for your children, will believe anything we say.
Why? Because we are the experts. We know more than you, because we say we do.
Today it has been reported that the Brookings Institution, has for the first time admitted to Congress that it receives millions of dollars every year from foreign governments, including Qatar and the United Arab Emirates and has close ties to ESEA.
Today we are seeing a transformation in education where schools, not individual students are being held accountable. Our children are being set up to fail by the state and federal government. Are we going to sit by and let it happen?
So, this 21st Century Learning, “Transformation in Education,” has not been piloted and proven successful, and is in fact causing countless children permanent psychological damage
In every state of the country and in all public school types, both traditional and charter and many private schools, the shift is on what the White House is touting as Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Competencies.
My name is Alice Linahan and I am a parent in Argyle ISD. I need your help to get our local school board to look at the issue of what private data is being collected on our children and what type of testing and assessments will be done during class activities which are monitoring and tracking our children.