There is a Catch to SB 22- Federal Tax Dollars are excluded…
Politicians are master manipulators. From SB 22 to SB 11 the truth will be exposed.
Following is a link to my PowerPoint presentation used when I speak to organizations about Radical Education Reform in America. Click here.
Total Quality Management (TQM)- Points of Compliance in the Education System:
Bill Gates – Threat to America:
Betsy Devos Being Against Common Core is like saying……:
YES! They are Collecting Behavioral DATA on Americans via Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)”
Politicians are master manipulators. From SB 22 to SB 11 the truth will be exposed.
Margaret Spellings is back in Texas – Texas 2036. As Commission member Margaret Spellings says, “the data is coming”
Message to Texas Senators and Representatives – Do not let Governor Greg Abbot, Speaker Bonnen, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the RPT funders and Democrats make you look like fools to pass what is clearly the Clinton/ Bush/Obama/ Devos Ed Reform agenda
Politically, EdTech is where the Right (Republicans) and the Left (Democrats) merge in Education Reform.
And, our kids are the guinea pigs for their Public/Private Partnerships.
Medicalization of Texas Education Join parents across America saying… #NotMyChild Read below: A Request to Texas Elected State Senators and Representatives If you are a Texas Parent, Grandparent or Taxpayer and you want your VOICE HEARD~ TAKE ACTION and SIGN the form by clicking here: Join us in asking for a seat at the table, under the pink dome at the Texas Capitol, […]
What is happening in today’s schools- driving teachers out of the profession and increasing mental health concerns for students?
The reality of TPPF’s policies and their history of coordination show they are promoting legislation and policy that is the antithesis of limited government and free market capitalism with NO adherence to the Constitution.
on January 2, 2019. This is our gift to the country. Pray that this legislation bides us time to expose FERPA contracts without permission and exposes the vast personality development for global citizenship around the country using the term social and emotional learning.
As a Texas mother of 3 and as one of your strong supporters, I urge you to join my U.S. Congressman Rep. Michael Burgess along with Rep. Louie Gohmert in opposition of H.R. 4174. Please Veto H.R. 4174
Action Needed! We need DATA Privacy in the Classroom We need TRUMP to STOP the FLOW of DATA! We need Help to Expose the true nature of Cultural Marxism!
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